About Dustin


I have fought my addiction to heroin and other mind altering drugs for over 14 years. I knew I wanted a better life for myself but no matter what I tried, I always failed to stay sober. Homeless, jobless, stacks of court fines and warrants, major health problems and a healthy prison sentence hanging over my head, I finally quit fighting. I surrendered myself to my addiction. Through heavy soul searching and abstinence, I was able to put together a good deal of sobriety. Joining the rooms of AA/NA, I began to see life through a different set of eyes. I put together almost 3 years of sobriety and thought that I could take back control of my life. I quit going to meetings and working with other addicts/alcoholics. Within 6 months I had relapsed. Full of disappointment, shame and on deaths doorstep, I asked a judge to lock me in jail. I knew it was my only shot at staying alive. Heroin took me to places so petrifying and I was more willing to sit in a cell than continue using. I have had a brief relapse over 3 years ago and I haven’t touched heroin in over 6 years. My sobriety date is February 1, 2012.


Me in the Utah Mountains

Over the last 4 years, my father and I have been working passionately on my story of addiction, homelessness and my families struggle to cope. In October of 2013, my father and I finished the manuscript (with huge amounts of collaboration and edits Kimberly Flack). My father passed away before ever holding the final product of all our hard work. My memoir is now published. It is called “A Walk In His Shoes”. You can get the hardcopy or ebook by clicking HERE

I want to help other families who are, or may be afflicted by addictions powerful grip. Advocating for sober and happy living through mentoring, working with others, meetings, sponsorship, family, virtue and remembering where I came from have been extremely helpful in my own life. Self knowledge and a clear and honest understanding of my childhood has been vital in my own personal recovery and growth. My past mistakes and triumphs can be used as essential tools for anyone who is dealing with the disease of addiction. Sobriety is possible and there is hope. For myself, it can only happen when I let go of life’s steering wheel and enjoy the ride.

I now have my own home in Southern Utah with the most supportive, loving, understanding, and beautiful wife. We have two awesome and very energetic dogs. Neither one of them speak much English.


First time jumping from an airplane.

5 thoughts on “About Dustin

  1. Pingback: About Dustin | Kris John

  2. Thank you for carrying the message. You are right on target. I wish others could see you work your program here in Spokane, WA. Pamela I am 140 days sober in AA. I have been away from the program for 5-6 years and had i20 some years before my relapse. This time it is different in the program. Everyday is a new day and a new way of living. Before, I was Miss AA: GSR, Treasurer, Jail & Prison Committee, Speaker sometimes and such that I stop going to meetings, calling my sponsor as much, and letting go of friends. Please tell people how is it necessary to do the things that will keep you sober. Pamela

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