My Iphone Addiction


I wanted to write a short post on my latest issue I have overcome. About 3 years ago, I started playing games/apps on my IPhone. Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, This Means War, Candy Crush, Castle Clash, Game of War, Hay Day, Fruit Ninja, Temple Run, Words with Friends, Bike Race- to name a few. It started off as a fun and entertaining time killer when standing in a long line or when I was waiting for my pizza pocket to finish heating up. As time went by, I noticed I was playing these games more and more. Collecting my fictitious gold and elixor, tapping the screen thousands of times manipulating the lighted pixels. Attacking other players across the world. Slowly, I became addicted.

Upgrading buildings and valiant fighters to the highest levels took maximum amounts of fake yellow stuff and fake purple stuff that accrue slowly over time. Once I had enough theoretical gold for my next upgrade, I had to wait up to 14 days for the upgrade to complete. It sounds absolutely ridiculous but for some reason waiting two weeks for an imaginary missile air defense to upgrade was satisfying and fulfilled my life as I knew it. Did I survive heroin addiction for this?

My everyday schedule consisted of checking all my games first thing out of bed. Well, actually, before I got out of bed. The more games you have, the longer this task takes. At times, I had up to 15 games. Usually I would delete the ones that didn’t keep my interest but there were 4 or 5 that I had played steadily for about 3 years. When I could get away with it, I played them at work and even while driving to and from work. I couldn’t go to bed without checking my games because I might get attacked! While my wife would try and talk to me, she had to talk to a man who was staring down at his phone. I tried the best I could to listen to my wife and collect my gold at the same time. There is definitely no problem here…

The games/apps are usually free to download but they have in-app purchases you can buy with real money. This is where the trigger flipped for me. The couple times my wife knew I wanted to spend real money on these games she was okay with. When I talked with her about spending real money to speed up the upgrades, I felt really embarrassed because spending real money on a bag of imaginary gems is preposterous. I knew deep down, it was a problem for me. I started spending money without anyone knowing. I knew it was something I couldn’t hide forever. Our bank statements would tell the real story and after hundreds of dollars and numerous secret purchases, I knew I had to stop.

Luckily for me, my wife understood my addiction to these games. I hated that I couldn’t leave my phone for even a second. I have since deleted all my games/apps from my phone. The first week was extremely difficult. I was used to grabbing for my phone first thing in the morning. Now, I had to learn to get out of bed like a normal human being. The extra time I get to spend with my wife makes it completely worth it. Not to mention productivity in every day life. Over the past 3 years, countless hours, as well as a good chunk of change has been wasted on these games. I have too much to offer to allow it to continue. I have big plans that will never manifest if I continue to do what I was doing.

There was some great things that came from these games. I met my wife playing Texas Holdem Poker and have also met some great people. But because of the addictive pull in playing these games, I had to thrown in the towel.

If anyone else has had this issue as well or is currently playing phone games/apps, I would love to hear your view and experience on this topic. Thanks for reading!


9 thoughts on “My Iphone Addiction

  1. Like you I play these games, which lead to me following your blog. I started playing these games after my husband passed away, reading which was something that I did every night before sleep, became difficult as my concentration levels were low, I found myself reading the same lines over and over again, or getting to the end of a chapter and not really knowing what I had just read, and books that would normally take a few days or a couple of weeks to read were taking months.
    I started playing Clash of clans on my sons Ipad, I found a great clan and the chat with the people around the world started, being able to talk and chat to other adults was nice and kept me going through a difficult time of my life. This chat/game had me waking up like you Dustin and checking my base before getting out of bed, I would take the kids to school and get back on it, I would check it again before going to bed and any time in between I didn’t have anything to do. Having to share the ipad with my son was something I didn’t like so I went and bought my own. Well now I have around 15 games that I play everyday, I can leave them if I have things that have to be done or visitors, but unlike you I refuse to spend real money on them. I do know that once I am working full time I will be cutting the hours spent on these games down, but I can see that they have taken over parts of my life.
    I have often thought about deleting them all, but I feel that I would not only be deleting games but some really good friends that I have made, eventually I will lose interest and they will go, but until then I’m hooked. 😩

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think games and apps are a great way to network with other people and its amazing to do across the world. Im glad it gave you the boost you needed during your greiving. Im also glad you are able to control your impulses. Im not quite able to with certain things but i think if i acknowledge them and try to work on it, i will get better at it. Thanks for commenting and sharing your experience. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dustin, and Kiltracy Believe it or not, I two became addicted to these games. It started with the free app/download of “Camdy Crush”, it’s even advertised on TV through one of the insurance commercials with the lady smashing hardtack candy with a hammer on her kitchen table! It’s really a funny commercial by the way.but it does show the mentality that it takes to continue to play these games. If you really look hard into the message that they’re giving, the lady that’s playing the game doesn’t really get it? My next addictive game was “Farm Heros”, another free app/download.

    As more and more of my Facebook friends would ask me to play different games I would download those free app/downloads which gave me even more time to play until it timed outso I was able to continue to play constantly into the night by switching back-and-forth in these games. Luckily they didn’t cost me any money because I don’t have the moneyto pay to upgrade or buy games that I can play with others.

    I have since been able to stop playing these games so frequently, which at the time we’re hours and hours upon and to her I wasn’t getting any needed sleep, and when I did fall asleep and woke back up I found myself holding my phone against my chest with both hands as if it were worth all the gold in the world. How ridiculously silly, don’t you think!?!

    I am actually going to put up A Christmas tree this year, last year I just didn’t even care, nor did I have any courage to do so.

    I really love to read these blogs, and the comments that these dear friends post that come from the deepest parts of their hearts and I appreciate that somehow I have a connection to these people as if I had known them for years.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I didnt think you would ever get into the games. They are addictive for sure. I havent heard of farm heros but it sounds a lot like all the farming games. Now all apps are built on the upgrade timers to make people have to wait. Jerks! Lol not sure what your google+ comment was all about? When u putting up your tree? Cant believe christmas is already around the corner. Thanks for commenting and reblogging! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Dustin, I think that most people are addicted in some way to those games. I sit on the subway and watch others just beeping and bopping away on Candy Crush or shoot-em-up games, or solitaire, or what not. Of course, I do this when I come up for air from playing Angry Birds…lol.

    It’s all fun and games (no pun intended) of course, but I guess guys like you and I have to look at it a bit closer than most people. I am sure there are people who are addicted and don’t know it. Lost personal relationships, problems at work, pocketbook issues, lack of personal hygeine, etc…all from gaming. Sounds familiar, eh? But most people do put the phones / tablets down and get on with the day.

    I know I do that with my Angry Birds. I have almost all of them and have played almost every level on them. But it’s taken me a long time, and sometimes I don’t play for a few days. Some of us can take it or leave it. I can’t say the same with other things in my new sober life – suger, food, weight, for example. The fact that I have two scales (one wasn’t “accurate” enough for me) plus the fact that now and then I toy with the idea of diuretics. I also would hide food and candy. Snuck stuff in. These are all tell tale signes of addiction manifesting differently.

    Anyway, i am glad you saw it for what it was, and hey, I probably have a Twitter addiction. lol. But you know, I feel good about it, my wife and mom follow me, and I haven’t had to surrender to it (yet?) LOL.

    Great post, and thanks for talking about something that we don’t often acknowledge.


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    • Those are some great points Paul. I did enjoy angry birds as well. At least until the other base style games took over my time. I wish i had more control like others but i think ive proven that i dont. Lol
      Its amazing how much time they used up. I do still have facebook and twitter of course which can take up some time but i cant see myself betting the bank on them. Twitter has such a healthy attachment to it for us and i dont believe im making an excuse. Talking with other addicts is helpful, even if electronic and only in 140 charactor intervals. 😁
      I have a food issue too but mine is backwards. I struggle eating often and it comes from some childhood issues i had. On top of that i have the fastest metabolism in the world which makes it extremely difficult to keep any weight on. I do love sugar though. Hopefully some therapy can help me understand my food fears.
      Thanks for your comment and your thoughtful words. You are always a blast to read. Have a good week my friend.

      Liked by 2 people

    • It is an easy thing to trade one for another and not realise it upfront. It definately became destructive for me and thats when i knew i had to stop. Hopefully all my free time will be filled with productive and anti addictive behaviors and tasks. Thanks for your comment Ally. 🙂

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